Welcome to BSA Troop 150’s website!

Formed in 1928, we are one of the oldest and most active Boy Scout troops in Northern Virginia. Throughout each year, we have countless outdoor adventures including campouts, day trips, hikes, and service projects. You may watch the video below for a peek inside of our troop!

When and where do we meet?

Meetings are on all Mondays from 7-8pm at the Annandale United Methodist Church, located in Annandale, Virginia. We meet in the media center downstairs.

Outdoor Adventures

Explore the outdoors with camping, hiking, and nature activities all year long.

Community Service

Make a difference in Annandale through our service projects and volunteer work.

Leadership Skills

Learn to lead with confidence through hands-on experience in our troop.

Scout Spirit

Mah-he! Mah-ha! Mo-ho Mo-ha!
Join over 100 Eagle Scouts and counting.

Ready to join?

Become a part of Troop 150 and start your journey in Scouting!

Join Us

Interested in learning more?

Email us at contact@troop150va.org or use the button below to reach out!

Contact Us